Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Tool

We analyze and perform data cleaning and transformation of your raw data and provide Data Visualization in form of live dashboards

Lets Try

Our Goal

Our goal is to provide you with actionable insights and a comprehensive understanding of your data, enabling informed decision-making and driving your business forward.

How We Can Help

At our organization, we offer an analytical approach to unlock insights from your raw data. We meticulously analyze your data using advanced techniques, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of your information.

Here's what our process entails:

  • Identifying patterns, outliers, and potential data issues
  • Cleaning, preprocessing, and transforming the data
  • Applying statistical techniques for descriptive and predictive modeling
  • Analyzing important features and deriving meaningful insights
  • Presenting clear and organized findings

To make data exploration effortless, we create interactive web-based dashboards and reports. These intuitive tools empower you to visualize and explore the data, enabling you to gain valuable insights at a glance.

Demo application

Here in this demo application we have taken Retail Industry as an example. This product is showcase of KPI reports and Graphes related to Merchandising Assortments and consists of various components of a data pipeline, each component is self-contained. This is an easily navigable Multi page Application.

Try our Demo or contact us

Get deeper Insights

By using our customized tool you can be further gain deeper business insights like financial accounting, logistics, customer files and supply chain. Basically, any areas that give you a vertical perspective of your business.

Heirarchical Reports

One of the feature of our product is: Instanteneous generation of Heirarchical reports of Top KPIs based on Statistical Formulas. The relevent features of the input data are automaticaly presented in form of selectable check boxes thus making report generation very flexible. Upto 10 reports on multiple level and order can be generated simulteneously with a single click.

Graphical Dashboard

You can select different Graph types like Bar plot, Line graph and Sunburst. All plots accompanied by their respective Tables. Key feature is that on single page multiple graphes can be presented side by side for better comparision.